As a lover of fine detail, designing and handcrafting jewelry was a natural side quest on my creative journey. It has transformed the way I see forms and shapes and brought me meaningful connections with incredible people along the way.
My training has come through a few different sources- a jewelry store apprenticeship, classes at New Approach School for Jewelers, as well as various workshops. Now into my 9th year at the bench, I work full time out of my studio in Batavia, New York.
I work mainly in one-of-a-kind and small batch collections, as well as custom. My highest priority is quality and durability for everyday wear, for you to enjoy for years! My influences are clean lines and elegant patterns in the world around us, from leaves and trees to wallpaper, fabrics, iron work and architecture.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out to me if you have any jewelry questions, design ideas, or want to personalize any piece I have with a different gemstone or metal type.